
What is this?

This tool lets you search for Touhou doujins on Dynasty Scans by their tags or mentions of character names in their text.

How do I use this?

Type in the search box and click on Filter to filter the list of results.

Tag inclusion

Type a tag name to ensure that any results must have that tag. For example, fantasy will only return results with the general Fantasy tag.

Tag exclusion

Type a tag name with the - symbol before it to ensure that any results must not contain any that tag. For example, -nsfw will exclude any results with the general NSFW tag.


Type a character name with the @ symbol before it to ensure that any results must mention that character's name somewhere in the book's text. For example, @reimu will only return results that mention Reimu or Hakurei. Results may be incomplete as the extraction of text relies on optical character recognition.

How can I access the raw data?

The processed data used by this tool can be directly accessed here. If you would like to download the raw data scraped in the development of this tool, please contact me here. This site is not affiliated with Dynasty Scans.